
Foot pain? Orthotics can relieve you

24 January 2025

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Orthotics for foot pain: what’s the trick? In fact, it’s science! More specifically, the performance of technology applied to orthotics. As we’ll see, foot pain generally appears “in the wake” of strain (stress), stemming from morphological issues or related to posture. These are problems that can be alleviated, or even solved, by high-tech orthotics offered by a podiatrist and custom-made. Today, your foot pain can truly be relieved by orthotics.

What is the cause of foot pain?

There is not just one type of foot pain. There are several. In fact, our feet are one of the most taxed parts of our anatomy: they absorb shocks like excess weight, propel us during various physical activities, sometimes feel too cramped in our shoes, and compensate for postural imbalances, etc. We put them to all sorts of uses, which over time can cause unpleasant discomfort or real foot pain. Whether sharp, diffuse, or latent, these pains in the heel, fascia, toes, or ankle can be temporary or chronic. They must still be eliminated, or at least alleviated — especially with the use of orthotics — as they often signal future health problems, or even pathologies or dysfunctions.

Joint or bone wear in the lower limbs, especially caused by poorly distributed or excessively imposed load, is quite common. Bad shoes, wearing high heels, intensive practice of certain sports, insufficiently treated injuries… are all stresses imposed on the feet, stresses that can lead to chronic pain, or even associated injuries. Moreover, certain small skeletal deviations result in biomechanical compensations that, over time, end up over-stressing or making our lower limbs move improperly, causing foot pain. Finally, it is clear that hereditary or acquired conditions, such as fallen arches, claw toe deformities, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, or calcaneal tendonitis, for example, are sources of foot pain. However, these can be controlled or greatly reduced by wearing technological orthotics.

Orthotics as a solution for foot pain

Using orthotics is not a luxury. Just like the foundations of a house, which must be solid and straight to properly support the entire structure, our feet must take proper, efficient, and healthy support on the ground. This means they must be able to endure the force exerted on them by our weight without suffering abnormal negative effects, without destabilization, significant body misalignment, or undue pain. Custom-made orthotics improve stability and balance, properly distribute loads, promote natural shock absorption through our lower limbs, and ensure posture that suits every body type. These are functions that prevent pain and feet from becoming an inevitable association.

Technological orthotics also have a curative effect, at the very least alleviating pain, when misalignments have been present for a long time. Their corrective power can even be felt, not just in the feet; certain knee, hip, back, etc., ailments tend to fade when the body is better supported on the ground.

Various “classic” pathologies also put feet to the test and cause more or less intense pain. Consider, for example, inflammation of the plantar fascia, Lenoir’s spur, bunions, high arches, and hammer toe. In these cases, seeing a foot specialist is necessary. The important thing is that a biomechanical evaluation be conducted by professionals so that, if needed, the use of orthotics is prescribed appropriately. In many cases, using technological orthotics can result in a significant reduction of foot pain or even pain elsewhere, reduced muscle fatigue, improved gait, and the ability to engage in certain sports again, etc.

Skeltec: the orthotics technology you need to discover

Orthotics play a role in countering foot pain. If you suffer from such pain, the most common solution in podiatric treatment is the use of orthotics. In this regard, the Quebec-based manufacturer Skeltec offers custom orthotics made using 3D printing technology that makes them precise, thin, durable, and comfortable. Both their materials and their construction (using a 3D sensor mounted on an electronic tablet to capture morphological foot data in the clinic) make them a high-quality product. Talk to your podiatrist about it.

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