Low back pain, that invisible yet painful enemy, is, surprisingly, the most common form of back pain. Back pain is often the result of poor daily habits, especially posture. The longer the issue is left unaddressed, the worse the discomfort becomes, weakening the entire core of the body, as the back and feet are often interconnected. It’s crucial to correct the situation quickly, and for that, Skeltec 3D foot orthotics, specifically designed to meet the wearer’s individual specifications, will make all the difference in terms of improving gait correction.
How Can Foot Orthotics Relieve Low Back Pain?
It’s important to understand what low back pain is. It comes in two distinct forms: symptomatic, related to a disease, and common, which occurs by itself. In the case of the latter, the most widespread type of back pain in the population, the pain can be chronic (lasting more than 3 months), acute (lasting less than a week), or recurrent. It’s crucial, for chronic and recurring discomfort, to address any issues with gait correction, as these are closely linked to back problems. There are various back braces and orthotics designed to treat low back pain. When it comes to your feet, Skeltec’s 3D printed orthotics will make a significant difference if you suffer from hyperpronation, as they are specifically designed to meet the unique characteristics of your feet and needs. With proper use, they can quickly reduce the tension and pain caused by movement.
How Does Low Back Pain Affect the Feet?
Chronic low back pain is characterized by persistent pain in the lower back lasting more than three months. It may also include additional pain in the buttocks, thighs, and sometimes even reaching the knees. According to medical professionals, it is crucial to rest the back to reduce the long-term detrimental effects of low back pain. One way to achieve this is by optimizing foot position, which can be enhanced with the use of orthotics properly adapted to your unique physique to maximize foot comfort and aid in back healing.
Good Posture Starts with the Feet
Does wearing foot orthotics really change your posture and back? The answer is clear: absolutely! The health of your back is closely tied to the health of your feet, and the support of an orthotic can make all the difference. But be careful, not all orthotics are created equal, and it’s important to consult a foot professional for guidance. Skeltec’s orthotics are not just molded but 3D printed to match your specific needs and body details. Don’t prolong unnecessary discomfort that could become irreversible—use orthotics that are specifically tailored to your needs.
The infamous back pain—or low back pain—is an extremely widespread but avoidable physical health issue. By taking care of your posture and gait and consulting the right professionals for foot orthotics, you’ll be able to move without suffering from it. We hope this text has answered some of your questions about low back pain. Don’t hesitate to contact your Skeltec product retailer if needed, and make your health and posture a priority starting today.